
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the official Al Moattasem School website.

This website has been prepared in the hope that it will become for parents, students, and visitors to the site, a valuable source of school news and timely information. This website has been developed to enable everyone to become familiar with our school, its policies, and other procedures that are basic for the smooth functioning of our school, as well as to provide you with updated school news, schedules and events. Our school has a very long tradition and our staff takes great pride in providing a safe and secure learning environment, while at the same time offering a wide array of exciting and challenging academic programs.

We believe that in order to bring the best out of children, we have to find a formula that balances learning along with gratification. Encouraging student involvement contributes to achievement and attainment – young people involved in participative work benefit in a range of different ways. Increased confidence, self-respect, competence and an improved sense of responsibility are all achieved by involving students as well as parents in the learning process.

We are committed to provide the highest quality of education within our school and strive to improve in all aspects and areas of education. In order to achieve this we need the joint commitment of all school staff, students and parents.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all and to thank you for entrusting your children’s future in our hands.

Have a pleasant and knowledge filled year!


Mr. Ali Hassan Al Baloushi
